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O-Shot 俄亥俄州哥伦布市

PRP代表性健康 & 重新焕发活力的爱情生活

PRP代表性健康 一种革命性的非手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法能帮助澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台控制自己的健康吗. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is the power behind this therapy (commonly referred to as the “O-Shot”). 用你自己血液中的自然生长因子, 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网可以提高你的性满意度, 恢复你的性敏感区, 提高你达到高潮的能力,优化你所有的亲密体验后,只是一次访问!




  • “我希望我能在我想要的时候进入状态.”
  • “I enjoy sex, but I need so much stimulation to be intimate.”
  • “我想知道我的伴侣是否知道我很开心?”
  • “I’ll never feel as sensual and excited as I did before having kids.”

If the answer is yes, then PRP代表性健康 may be your solution! 用你自己血液中的生长因子, you can now fix your most intimate issues and get back to feeling like your more youthful, 至关重要的自我.



这是一种微创澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,包括将PRP(血液中最有利于愈合和恢复的成分)注射到阴道管壁和阴蒂. 将这些血小板和生长因子直接引入到组织中,可以促进血管生成(新血管的形成)和神经再生(神经末梢的修复和恢复),从而重新激活目标细胞, 允许以增加敏感性和润滑的形式自然恢复性功能.


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    这是一种快速舒适的PRP澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法,对你的性健康有不可思议的好处. Benefits of the treatment include increased 灵敏度 to stimulation, 增加乐趣, 更频繁的性高潮, increased lubrication and decreased discomfort during sex. 这种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网带来的身体上的好处与情感上的满足相吻合.

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    Another benefit of the treatment known widely as the “O-Shot” is lessened urine leakage. 它还通过加强身体的盆底来澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网轻度的压力相关的尿失禁, 哪一个负责控制尿液的流动. Incontinence and accidental leaking are very common (and natural) symptoms after childbirth, 使母亲成为这种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的最佳人选!

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    Other conditions the PRP treatment can help improve include vaginal atrophy, 盆底功能障碍, 性交时的不适或疼痛, 阴道内瘢痕, or scarring from a perineal tear or episiotomy after childbirth. 我们所要求的是,你让你的医生知道,如果你患有任何这些(或任何相关的)条件,讨论如何PRP注射可能能够帮助.


PRP is plasma from your blood with a high concentration of platelets, the unique biological healing agents that encourage tissue growth and restoration. Platelets are activated during the body’s natural healing process; when you sustain an injury, 你的身体会发出一个信号,让血液和血小板涌入受伤的部位来修复损伤, 创建新单元格, 使现有的细胞更有功能.

当PRP用于其他应用澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网时,同样的恢复原则也适用 头发恢复 or vaginal rejuvenation) where the goal is to target and reinvigorate specific tissues. PRP不仅富含血小板,而且富含营养和蛋白质,增强了其再生性能.

The O-Shot can be used to help treat mild Stress Incontinence. It cannot treat Urgency, 功能 or Overflow Incontinence.

PRP treatments like the “O-Shot” usually cost about $1,500 per treatment. We recommend repeating the treatment every 6 to 9 months to maintain best results.

A consultation is required before performing the treatment, where you will meet with our O-Shot专家考特尼·吉尔伯特,宾夕法尼亚州. 在一起, 你将讨论你所面临的问题,以及PRP的性健康澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网可以做些什么来解决这些问题. 你的所有问题都将得到回答,关于澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网是如何进行的,以及你应该期待什么. After your consultation, we will plan a date for your treatment to occur!

按你的约定, 你会和考特尼见面问她你还有什么问题她会向你解释澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的步骤. 当你放松舒适时,局部麻醉药膏将被涂抹在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网部位. As the numbing begins to set in, we will draw a sample of blood to create the PRP solution. 大约2汤匙(52毫升)的血液将被抽取并分配到PRP机器中进行分离.


然后我们将等待大约17分钟你的血液在PRP机器的离心机中分离. 这台机器的工作原理是使血液快速旋转, 根据精确的重量分散你血液中的分子成分, 从你的血液样本中分离出所有有益的血小板和生长因子,成为PRP浓度.


然后,注射器将有效的PRP收集到注射器中(分离后最终约为3至5毫升),并开始操作. 通常,总共进行2至4次注射. You may experience some pinching and cramping with each injection, but the anesthetic does a nice job of keeping this part very tolerable. 整个过程大约只需要5分钟.

PRP注射后, 血小板开始产生新的细胞, 目标组织中的健康细胞. There are several things you can expect after the therapy, 包括增加润滑, 强烈的性欲, 并提高了更快(多)的能力, 更强的性高潮. 如果你有轻微的尿失禁, 几天后你就会发现你的情况有所改善, 几天后,润滑的增加和性方面的好处会变得明显.

If you’re planning for your effects to peak before a certain window of time, you’ll want to schedule the injection to occur 2-4 weeks before the intended period. Results tend to last around 6 to 9 months; as soon as you notice the effects begin to fade, 你可以再做一次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网了.

性健康PRP是非常安全的,因为它是一个无菌的过程,使用的是你自己的血液——没有外来物质进入你的身体, meaning there is virtually zero chance of the treatment being rejected! 然而, 之后, you will likely experience 48 hours of tenderness and swelling at the injection sites.

It is also possible you may experience some light spotting and cramping. 我们建议您避免性交、使用卫生棉条和锻炼,直到这些症状消退. Depending on your profession, you can usually go back to work immediately after treatment.

任何想改善干燥的人, 性欲, 灵敏度, the physical expression of desire can stand to benefit from the O-Shot! 人生阶段, 身份, 状态, 性取向, 文化背景, 或者其他身体特征不重要-如果你有资格接受澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 你可以享受它的许多好处.

在咨询时询问您的提供者是否有其他需要考虑的特殊情况. Please make us aware if you are allergic to lidocaine and numbing medication, make sure you have a good understanding of restrictions and downtime expectations.


并非所有患者都有资格接受这种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. Some blood disorders may make you ineligible for PRP therapy. People with low platelet counts generally do not make ideal candidates; you can likely still have the treatment performed, 但这可能需要更大的抽血量. 经常服用类固醇或免疫抑制剂的人通常也不是很好的选择.

如果你不是性健康PRP的候选人,你可能仍然是我们其他的候选人 性年轻化澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网!


我们的供应商经验丰富,精通PRP的应用及其惊人的性能. 在实践中, 我们用这种技术来修复头发, 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后恢复并结合 微针 为大众和有益 “吸血鬼”的面部 在我们的 medspa. 考特尼, 我们的PRP专家, has an excellent bedside manner and experience working with PRP for wound healing, 整形手术恢复, 以及十多年来的各种美学应用.

Technology Behind The Treatment Can Make A Big Difference

我们先进的机器(麦哲伦®)是顶级的, fda批准,旨在为您提供最好的血小板浓度和最有效的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 它是自动浓缩丰富的血小板你的血液到确切的体积澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. Other machines rely on the configuration to be determined by the practitioner, which can leave room for error or lead to less-than-ideal results.


Meet 考特尼 Gilbert: Your 俄亥俄州哥伦布市 O-Shot Expert

作为一名熟练的功能医学医师助理, 考特尼 demonstrates exceptional expertise in performing the O-Shot treatment in-office. 她在泌尿妇科有着深厚的背景,她对女性健康的奉献是显而易见的,她致力于了解每个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的独特需求和愿望.







作为整形外科和医疗美容提供者, we are uniquely qualified to address the needs of our patients, 提供舒适的氛围,提供比一般妇产科或性健康诊所更广泛的服务.


您从我们的员工那里收到的建议保证能解决您的独特问题,并为您着想. We invite you to book your initial consultation with us today!

